Monday, April 25, 2011

Grandparent's House

Memories. I remember being a little girl and going to my Grandparent's house all the time. We would all go out to dinner together and talk about our day. One of the best things i remember is trying something new with my Grandfather. One day we decided to spice it up a little bit and see what Sprite and Coke taste like together. I remember we came to a conclusion that it tasted really good! My Grandfather said that we could be the new inventors of SpriteCoke, but i knew he was only kidding around with me. I wish he was still around to have some more crazy times. We all love and miss him very much.
Also, my Grandmother likes to cook a lot. So one day she taught me how to make spaghetti and meatballs. That is now my favorite thing to cook at home for my family to eat for dinner. It isn't that hard to make, you just have to know how to boil water and the right type of sauce to use with each meal. I miss me being a little girl, and i wish i could go back in time one day and do everything all over again.

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