Sunday, May 15, 2011

Apple Picking

When i went apple picking, i had never seen so many apples in my life! I was so excited to pick apples that i was even climbing the trees to get the best ones. Finally after i was satisfied with all the apples i got i went home to make something out of them. My friends and I made a delicious apple pie and some warm apple cider. It tasted much better than any other apple pie or cider that I've had before because it was homemade and plus i got to make it myself!

Halloween Party

A few years ago all of my friends came over for a huge Halloween party. Everyone came dressed up in their costumes and we danced and played bobbing for apples. My moms favorite time of the year is Halloween so we made a haunted house in our basement and everyone loved it and thought it was really scary! Next year, we will most likely be having an even better one.


Last summer my family and i took a vacation to Puerto Rico. One day we went to the beach and we decided to try para-sailing! We were really scared at first but it actually ended up being really fun. The guy offered to take pictures of us while we were in the air and now we can look back on them and remember how brave we were! The view was really beautiful and the breeze felt good. Para-sailing is something i would love to do again!


Dance was my favorite thing to do when i was little. I took tap and lyrical this year for like a month. But i quit awhile ago, so i don't really like it that much anymore. We would have dance recitals and everyone would come and watch us perform on stage. My favorite dance was when they pulled me out of a green bucket which was suppose to look like a tea pot. I thought it was a really cute dance. I miss it! 

Lego Land

Lego Land is a huge place that has legos everywhere! You can build whatever you want out of them and take it home with you. They have all different colors and sizes of them. Also, you can buy t shirts from the store and all of that kind of stuff. I looked at the website and they are now making a water park out of legos! So i definitely want to go to that sometime.


I love the San Diego Zoo! My family and i went there a couple of times. We just love walking around the zoo and looking at all of the animals. My favorite animal at the zoo would be the giraffes. The tigers scared me a bit because they are so loud! We took pictures of all the animals and i look back at them all of the time because i love animals so much (

Lion King

I went to see the Lion King in New York with my family. That was a really good performance. We had so much fun and i loved the theater!